D.Colo "Poppes" oil on canvas, 60x100cm, 2011 y.
H.Swan "Sonata wind" oil on canvas, 70x100cm, 2011y.
Locker "State of calm" oil on canvas, 60x90cm, 2011y.
Locker "Finish point" oil on canvas, 60x50cm, 2011y.
S.Olls "Tale of water" oil on canvas, 70x100cm, 2011y.
S.Olls "Morning Dew" oil on canvas, 50x60cm, 2011y.
C.Toward "The principle of the game" oil on canvas, 50x60cm, 2011y.
Helfer "Dining dance" oil on canvas, 51x61сm,
Helfer "Morning Dash" oil on canvas, 51x61сm,
Long "Hi" oil on canvas, 51x61сm,
Swebeht "Spring" oil on canvas, 61x51сm,
T.Depp "Aristocrat" oil on canvas, 51x61сm,
T.Depp "Lunar milk" oil on canvas, 51x61сm,
T.Depp "Smile" oil on canvas, 51x61сm,
R.S. "Akt" oil on canvas, 91x61cm, 2010y.
F.Solu "Fine Lines" oil on canvas, 60x50cm, 2011y.
C.Toward "South Wind" oil on canvas, 50x60cm, 2011y.
C.Toward "Grapes" oil on canvas, 20x25cm, 2011y.
A.And "The green pussy" oil on canvas, 51x61сm,
A.And "Lunar twins" oil on canvas, 51x61сm,
A.And "Striped eyes" oil on canvas, 61x51сm,
O.Srecno "Blooming Beauty" oil on canvas, 50x70cm, 2010y.
O.Srecno "Morning Light" oil on canvas, 50x70cm, 2010y.
O.Srecno "Red buds" oil on canvas, 50x70cm, 2010y.
V.Hudymenko "Sunny memories" oil on canvas, 60x50сm, 2010y V.Hudymenko
- a young artist from Ukraine.
V.Hudymenko "In Venice" oil on canvas, 60x50сm, 2010y V.Hudymenko
- a young artist from Ukraine.
V.Hudymenko "Mountain Lake" oil on canvas, 120x90сm, 2010y V.Hudymenko
- a young artist from Ukraine.
Le Moget "Morning in Italy" oil on canvas, 50x60cm, 2010y.
Le Moget "Paris. Day." oil on canvas, 90x60cm, 2010y.
B.Breithou "Funny thoughts" oil on canvas, 60x90cm, 2010y.
S.Mark "Boats on the Coast" oil on canvas, 60x90cm, 2010y.
R.Foock "The Murmur of the Brook" oil on canvas, 90x60cm, 2010y.
L.Homich "Sunny autumn" oil on canvas, 60x90сm, 2010y
V.Hudymenko "Cafe Old Town" oil on canvas, 90x60сm, 2010y V.Hudymenko
- a young artist from Ukraine.
V.Hudymenko "Day in Venice" oil on canvas, 90x60сm, 2010y V.Hudymenko
- a young artist from Ukraine.
T.Novikova "Yellow alley" 50x60cm, oil,canvas, 2010y.
B.Bihger "Jazz-Quartet" oil on canvas, 90x60cm, 2010y.
B.Bihger "Jazz-duo" oil on canvas, 90x60cm, 2010y.
V.Basin "Butterfly" 60x60cm, oil,canvas, 2010y.
V.Basin "Wildflowers" 60x60cm, oil,canvas, 2010y.
S.Mark "Dock" oil on canvas, 61x91cm, 2010y.
D.Colo "Pink flower" oil on canvas, 61x61cm, 2010y.
J.Rada "After showers" 61x51cm, oil,canvas, 2010y.
D.Colo "Red Flower" oil on canvas, 61x61cm, 2010y.
C.Rusthe "Saxophonist" 61x61cm, oil,canvas, 2010y.
V.Nighau "Star bed" oil on canvas, 51x61сm,
A.And "Threes" oil on canvas, 66x51сm,
I.Vozletov "Street musiciians" 81x60cm, oil,canvas, 2010y.
F. Locsher "POP" oil on canvas, 60x60см,
F. Locsher "CHIC" oil on canvas, 60x60см,
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